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He picked up her goblet and sniffed at the wine tentatively.
 We re all drinking from the same bottle, Kavin. If it were poisoned we would all be suffering.
 There are some poisons the others wouldn t feel. His voice was steely as he looked down at her.
 And I haven t had the wine.
His words sent a wave of dread crashing through her. Had she been slipped Royalsbane? Staring at
Kavin, she tried to tune in on his thoughts but they were growing murkier by the second. It was like trying
to see a fish in a mud puddle.
 I think I need to lie down. She tried to stand, but couldn t get her legs to obey.  Kavin, I can t
stand. Terror raced through her causing everything to take on a hazy veil of the surreal.
In an instant Kavin s arms were around her and she was being carried against the strong wall of his
chest. He didn t speak and if he was thinking anything she couldn t tell. It was absolute silence until they d
made their way out into the gardens where he promptly dropped her to her feet.
 You have to throw up, Sara.
 There was something in the wine, damn it. Throw up. The chill in his voice only sparked more
terror. The world was starting to swim around her. 73
Chandra Ryan
 No, you don t. He caught her just as her knees buckled.  You need to throw up now.
Taking a deep breath, she leaned over and pushed her fingers as far back in her throat as she could and
forced her stomach to purge its contents. It wasn t her finest moment, but when there was nothing left to
purge, the headache did start to lift.
 Was it the Livingstons? Her throat was sore and tears pricked painfully at the back of her eyes, but
the worst was over she hoped.
He shook his head.  As much as I d love to place this on them, they were genuinely surprised to see
 Who then? Do you think it was the same people responsible for yesterday s attack?
 I don t think so. Everybody at that table was a guard. None of them would ve slipped you the poison
 Then what?
 There are other uses for Royalsbane. It could ve been slipped into the wine by someone not wanting
his mate to bear a child.
She couldn t believe she d forgotten about its other use. Enough of the servants used the herb for her
to be wary at Keep Drake.  There s no way for us to know for certain?
 I ll ask around tomorrow, but I think it s best for you to rest tonight.
 Am I going to be all right?
He still looked a shade or two paler than usual under the moonlight, but he nodded slowly.  I think so.
It takes time for Royalsbane to destroy the magic completely.
The time she had spent listening to Kemah as the headache grew haunted her.  What if I wasn t quick
enough? Fear would have made her sick if she hadn t already thrown up everything in her stomach.
His gaze swept over her again.  No, the magic is still there. I can see it in your aura. It may take a
little time for it to be full strength again, but you ll be fine.
She was so relieved she almost didn t put the pieces together.
 Wait. You can see my aura? You re a healer?
He was silent for a minute.  I guess it s only fair you know.
 Not that you were planning on telling me. She kept her tone light but she was only half teasing. It
bothered her that she knew so little about him but he seemed to know everything that d happened to her
over the past seven years.
 You don t need me to tell you anything.
 Are you trying to bait me into reading you? She had touched on his feelings, heard his thoughts
when they were too loud for her to ignore, but she d never done anything intentionally invasive. The
thought had her taking a step away from him.  I would have access to everything, Kavin. It s not just your
current thoughts but your memories, your feelings, your hopes and desires.
 Are you asking permission?
 No. I m giving you a warning.
 There will come a time when you will have to use it, Sara. He started walking off toward the
barracks leaving her to either follow or stay alone in the dark courtyard.  Damned idealist. The last words
were muttered softly, but she still heard them.
 You re angry because I scared you. It was just the gentlest push into his mind but she was certain
that, had she not been so relieved at being able to still do it, it would have felt like an invasion.
He stopped, but didn t look back at her.  That would be pretty apparent to anyone, Sara.
 But not because your mission was at risk. You were scared for me.
He nodded stiffly.  We should get back to the barracks. You need to get cleaned up.
The image of her in a bath sent a wave of fresh desire through him, one she felt too clearly.  Oh.
Now he turned to face her.  And damned if I don t need a drink.
 I m sorry. I didn t 
But he shook his head and smiled softly at her.  Never apologize for being who you are.
The fear and anger had left him, leaving her lightheaded.  I think I could use a drink too.
 After you bathe, of course. You smell funny.
She managed a small laugh.  Thanks.
With the mood lightened, they made their way across the courtyard in comfortable silence. When they
walked through the door to the barracks though, she felt some of her nervous energy return. She was going
to be sharing a room with him. Everyone assumed they were lovers. And it s what they both wanted. But he
was waiting for her to make the first move.
Ignoring the stairs this time, he found a servant and requested a bath be brought up to his quarters
before briskly walking down the corridor the others had used earlier. Following him, Sara noticed that this
hallway was every bit as lavish as the upper floor. But, as she peered into the spacious rooms, it was
apparent that this floor was more for communal activities.
 That s the dorm, Kavin said with a nod as they walked by the room that housed large beds in neat
 So that s where a peon like me would normally be sleeping?
 If you could find a bed. They get pretty packed. Sometimes you have to share with one or two other
 And that s a bad thing? she teased.
He chucked, but didn t stop.  Damned if being a guard isn t already a bad influence on you.
Continuing down the hall, they walked past the open doors to the kitchen.  Aren t we getting
something to drink? 75
Chandra Ryan
 Please, all they have in there is wine and mead. I was thinking of something& stronger. He opened
a door and walked through it without looking back at her. With nothing else to do, Sara followed him into
the dark-paneled, book-lined room.  This is where they keep the good stuff.
 In the library?
Smiling, he pulled a book out of a nearby shelf. Reaching behind the remaining books, he said,  The
Livingstons are good at show, but they don t know anything about booze. Guards have been hiding a stash
here for decades.
 Wow, you must really trust me to show me where the good booze is.
 Maybe I plan on getting you so drunk you don t remember where the booze came from.
She laughed at the thought as he pulled a dusty brown bottle from the empty space before sliding the
book back into place. Drunk sounded good right about now.
 Perfect. He blew the heavy coat of dust off the bottle and examined the label.  Ever had whiskey?
 I have not, she admitted.
 Should be an interesting evening then. Trying to ignore the undertones of the comment, she
followed him back down the corridor and up the stairs to his room. Amazingly, the bath already sat waiting
for them.
 The servants are most certainly quick.
 They re paid well to be the best. He handed her a laundered riding uniform as if offering her proof.
Stepping behind the screen, memories of Kavin s bath made her smile. She had made her decision. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
