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if her sister was truly here to take her home, Skylar would go with her.
Though he believed his wife loved him, Sun Hawk could offer her so little,
and she had lived among the whites for too long. He had to take her away,
or he would lose her.
But of course he couldn t do it. If there was a chance that Skylar could be
freed from a life as a renegade, he had to give her that chance. Anything less
would be a selfish betrayal of the love he felt for her.
Knowing it was going to cost him the woman he loved more than his own
life, Sun Hawk returned to the place where he had left her.
Constance Bennett Moonsong [ e - r e ads ]
She was asleep when he arrived, but he could see the small place where
she had paced back and forth before exhaustion had claimed her. He knelt
beside her, studying her face, memorizing every perfect line. He thought of
every word they had exchanged, every touch they had shared. He remem-
bered the way she had come to him as his wife, and all the nights since
when she had slept with her head on his shoulder and his cheek pressed
against her brow.
Their life together had been too short, and now their future was com-
pressed into the span of a single day. By nightfall his life would be over, but
until then she was still his.
After removing his clothing, he lifted the blankets that covered her and
lay down beside her. As he pulled her into his arms, Skylar slowly came
awake. Her mind felt drugged, but she gladly left her fretful dreams behind
for the security of her husband s embrace. She had no sense of time or place,
only the sweet pleasure of his kisses on her throat and her face. He touched
her intimately, pulling away her clothing until their bodies pressed together
without restriction.
His mouth found her breasts, and Skylar sighed with pleasure. Some part
of her mind realized that it was daylight, and another remembered that they
had traveled all night to escape a grave danger. But that danger had passed, or
Sun Hawk would not have awakened her with sweet kisses. After so many
days of fear, it was easy for her to give herself over to passion, to touch her
husband as intimately as he touched her, to let his need become her own.
They came together with an abandon that took her breath away and
robbed her of her senses, but when the glorious pleasure finally subsided, she
realized that this one time had been different. There was a desperation in the
way Sun Hawk held her long after the moment of release had passed. When
he finally shifted his body off of hers and wrapped her in his arms, Skylar
knew something was wrong.
 Why do you look so serious, husband? she asked, gently caressing his
face, trying to smooth away the strange hardness she saw there.  I know
those who followed us are gone now, or you would not have awakened me
so sweetly.
Sun Hawk closed his eyes and pressed his lips into the palm of her hand.
 They are gone, but they will be back.
Skylar s eyes widened in alarm, and she started to rise.  Then we should
go quickly.
 No. He pulled her back into his arms.  There is time. We have until sunset.
She frowned.  To do what?
 Be together.
Skylar didn t like the sound of that.  And then what will happen?
Constance Bennett Moonsong [ e - r e ads ]
Sun Hawk didn t want to tell her yet. If she knew her sister was near, she
might not want to wait. She might ride after the brave who had gone to get
her, and Sun Hawk couldn t bear to see her go a moment before it was time.
 Then we will meet the Apache who tracked us so skillfully. He has words you
should hear.
 How do you know this?
 He said the words to me, but I was not sure it was wise to believe him. He
has promised to bring proof that will make you know what he says is the truth.
 Husband, what did he say? she asked anxiously, unable to imagine what
it could be.
When he told her of the promises Gray Fox had supposedly made, the
most magnificent smile Sun Hawk had ever seen spread over Skylar s face.
 This is wonderful! she exclaimed as happiness suffused every part of her
body, cleansing it of the fear she had experienced in the last few weeks.
 There is no reason to hide in the mountains or join Geronimo. We can be
free now!
 Free . . . He nodded solemnly.  Yes, we can be free.
Skylar felt the first flush of her exuberance fade.  Why are you not as
happy as I? If the Gray Fox promised you will not be punished, then you can
believe it. You will see your family again very soon.
And you will see yours, he thought grimly.  I cannot be happy until I have
the proof.
Though she clung to hope as tightly as she could, she trusted Sun Hawk
too much to discount his opinion.  You think it is a lie designed to trap us?
He pulled her more tightly into the circle of his arms.  For your sake I
hope it is not, he said fervently.
Overwhelmed by the intensity of his emotions, Skylar rested her head on
his shoulder and could feel the strong steady beating of his heart. It was a
long while before she finally asked,  If it is a trap, should we not take precau-
tions, beloved?
 Yes, but there is still time, he said in a voice that sounded very far away.
 I wish to hold you as long as I can.
Before it was time to go to the meeting place, Sun Hawk made love to
Skylar again with an intensity and sadness that made her weep. They dressed
then, and her tears had only barely dried when he finally gave her the neck- [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
