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sat up a little and looked at Logan. His eyes were closed and a deep furrow ran between
them. She could almost feel his pain.
“We were supposed to go on a cross-country trip for her twenty-first birthday.
Instead, my balloon crashed two days before our departure date. She wouldn’t
postpone the trip or wait for me. She was willful and independent. She went alone
because I was in the hospital. A drunk driver ran her off the road. I’ve seen the accident
scene. I know if I’d been with her, we both would have died. The area was just too
dangerous.” He shrugged.
“Oh, Logan…”
He rose up enough to place a finger on her lips. “You’re teaching me to fly again
Dani. You’ve brought me back to life. I need you. I need to keep you safe. I can’t lose
another woman I love.”
Love? Daniella’s heart raced. Was this love? Charles had made such a mess of their
relationship that Dani didn’t trust her emotions. She wanted Logan. She needed him.
Cyna Kade
Did she love him? Was it fair to stay if she didn’t? “I am so sorry, Logan. It must have
been terrible for you. But keeping me here against my will isn’t the answer.”
“Is it really against your will? I don’t think so.”
“Stay with me Dani. You’re the first woman who has claimed my attention since my
sister’s death. I need you.”
“I’m not sure I can survive with you.”
“I’ll make sure you survive and you’re a lot tougher than you think.” He quirked an
eyebrow. “Let me prove it to you.” Logan’s eyes flew open and with startling speed he
had Daniella on her back again.
Logan’s hands framed her face. “If you want your freedom more than you want my
love then I’ll fix your car but I’d much prefer that you stay. We have something
“I can’t. I’ll lose myself and I won’t do that again.”
“I’m not like your boyfriend.”
“No you certainly aren’t. He was a gentleman.”
“A gentleman who taught you that liking sex is wrong? A gentleman who taught
you to be ashamed of your body? A gentleman who undermined all your
independence? At least my methods are honest. Don’t leave, Daniella. Not yet. We’re
not done yet.”
Daniella’s eyes widened at Logan’s cold tone. It seemed as if Logan hated Charles
more than she did. What had she gotten herself into? How could he flip between cold
and hot so fast? “Logan the sex has been good—”
“Good? Just good?” He cocked an eyebrow not waiting for her answer. He cupped
her face with strong hard fingers. “Not just good, sweetheart. Arresting, powerful,
phenomenal maybe, but just good? I don’t think so.” His head descended and he
captured her lips, forcing her mouth open his tongue delved deep.
Stripped by Love
Daniella moaned as her knees went weak. How did he do this to her? One minute
she was clearheaded and determined. The next she wanted nothing more than to sink
into his possessive hardness.
Logan broke the kiss. “That’s it, sweetheart. You can deny me all you want but
those are just words. They don’t mean anything. Your body’s response to me is all I care
about and your body doesn’t lie. You want me every bit as much as I want you. You
want me in control. You want to submit to my every whim. Deny it all you like. I know
the truth.”
Daniella tried to move free. Logan stopped her by the simple expedient of picking
her up. “If you fight now, I’ll drop you. We don’t want that do we? Maybe it is time for
both of us to stop running. You’re trying to escape a bad relationship by fleeing to the
east coast despite the fact there is nothing and no one waiting for you there. I’m trying
to atone for my sister’s death. I know it was fate, circumstance, a tragic accident. I need
to accept that fact and move on…at least that’s what my aunt is always telling me.
When I’m with you, I think of the magic we’re making and forget everything else.
“At first I was using you. You make me feel alive again and I didn’t realize how
much I craved that feeling until it came back. It’s like you brought color back into my
world. Dani, I love you. I don’t want you to leave. If this is too fast for you, I understand
but please give us a chance. Don’t leave now. If you do, we’ll never know what we
could have had.”
“It’s too soon for me.”
“I believe it’s too soon for love but you can’t deny our attraction. You respond to
my every touch. You scream my name when you’re in the throes of an orgasm. Don’t
give up on us because we had the misfortune to meet so soon after your break up.”
“It’s just sex, it doesn’t mean anything.”
“You’re wrong and you know it. I’ll prove it to you. This time is plain vanilla. No
pain, no domination, just pleasure—pure and simple pleasure. An expression of my
Cyna Kade
love for you,” Logan said dropping a kiss on her forehead. He carried her into his
Dani frowned. Vanilla sex? With all these toys around? What game was he playing
She hadn’t noticed the mattress in the corner. Apparently Logan had slept out here.
Logan placed her down gently while keeping her imprisoned in his arms. His lips
descended. He gently coaxed her lips open in response to his soft kiss. His tongue
danced with hers while his hand worked its way into her pants. His palm curved over
her clitoris as his fingers pushed into her vagina. He circled his palm in a slow,
deliberate and relentless motion.
Dani tried to squirm. She wanted him to increase the pressure or the speed but he
ignored her attempts at movement. His lips trailed down the side of her neck and she
shivered as her senses were assaulted by Logan’s gentle touch.
“You have too many clothes,” Logan said as he unfastened the zip on her jeans.
Pulling them off, he quickly disposed of the rest of her clothes as well as his own. His
naked body spooned hers. His hard cock pressed against her back as he reached around
and played with her clit.
“Oh, Logan, no games, just take me,” she demanded.
“Do you still want your car fixed?”
“Not now! Just take me!”
“My pleasure,” he replied as he raised one of her legs and entered her from behind.
His quick sure stoke was followed by another.
Dani rocked her pelvis against his fingers as his cock drove deep inside her.
They moved slowly, just enjoying the sensation of flesh against flesh. No pain, no
stress just gentle loving that brought both of them to the brink. Logan wrapped an arm
around Dani’s waist and plunged deep one more time. Dani’s cunt clenched as Logan
spurted and they both soared as if flying on wicker wings
Stripped by Love
The orgasms left them sleepy. They cuddled in each other’s arms for a long time
before moving back to the house.
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