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started to hop down and join him but Danny shook his head at her.
 He ll want some time alone, the man told her.  The bull riding is the last event
and he needs to gather himself.
So Grace stayed on her perch and tried to pretend that she was interested in the
other events until they called for the bull riding. When it was Ben s turn, when he
lowered himself onto the back of the charging monster, she had to force herself to
watch, praying that he wouldn t get hurt. Watching the events close-up this way
showed her exactly how much danger there really was.
He won the bull riding event going away, beating every other competitor in both
time and form. But the crowd went crazy when he was announced as the all-around
champion. He was driven to the center of the arena in the back of a pickup truck,
waving to everyone. When the truck stopped in front of the stage he leaped out and
climbed the stairs to the stage, where the chairman of the rodeo association presented
him with his check and buckle. Then, following tradition, he rode around the arena
once more in the truck, waving at everyone and grinning madly. When the truck
stopped at the gateway to the hall, he jumped down and rushed to where Grace waited.
 The money s great but how about a kiss for the champ? He yanked Grace down
into his arms and kissed the breath out of her.
The cowboys and rodeo people standing around hooted, whistled and clapped,
which only seemed to spur Ben on more.
 Just wait until I get you back to the room tonight, he whispered in her ear before
letting her go.
Desiree Holt
And getting there seemed to take forever. Everyone wanted to shake his hand, offer
congratulations, make plans to meet in Houston, the next stop on the tour. The Houston
Stock Show and Rodeo would open in two weeks. Ben had already told her he wanted
to trailer Hotshot there early and give the horse some playtime at the ranch a friend of
his owned outside the city.
Then people insisted he join them at The Last Mile for at least one drink. He gave
Grace a rueful look and murmured,  I ll make it up to you when we get back to the
room, I swear it.
But she wanted him to enjoy his moment of glory. And she knew despite the
excitement and backslapping, the uppermost thought in Ben s mind was how far the
check would go toward helping him realize his dream.
They managed to leave The Last Mile after one drink, Ben hauling Grace out to the
truck, then dragging her into the hotel when they got there. She had to hurry to keep up
with his long stride.
 Someone would think you were in a big rush, she teased.
 Someone would be right, he muttered.  If there weren t people in this elevator
with us I d push the Stop button and fuck you right here.
He spoke in almost a whisper but the other couples looked at them with strange
expressions. Grace was glad when they reached their floor. Just like the other night, Ben
barely had the door closed and locked before he was pulling her clothes from her,
throwing them wherever they landed, his own following. He cursed under his breath
while he fumbled for the condom in his jeans pocket before tossing them aside, clumsy
in his haste to roll it on. They were both so jacked up on adrenaline from the evening
they were shaking.
Ben grabbed her thigh, lifting it and wrapping it around his waist. With a hard roll
of his hips he drove into her, the head of his cock bumping the mouth of her womb. Her
naked breasts were pressed hard into the wall of his chest, the fine mat of hair
stimulating the sensitized surface of her skin. There was no foreplay, no preliminaries.
This was pure, raw lust, sex with all the trimmings stripped away.
The moment she felt him inside her Grace climaxed, shuddering heavily in his
grasp, her cunt muscles stroking the thickness of his shaft, pulling at him. As the
aftershocks rolled through her Ben pressed his mouth to hers, forcing it open, plunging
his tongue inside. With her mouth held captive he began his conquest of her pussy
again, driving rapidly in and out, pushing her to yet another climax.
She convulsed in his grip, her arms wrapped around his next as his cock pulsed in
the tightness of her vagina.
When he withdrew he let her leg down slowly and wrapped his arms around her,
pulling her to his chest. His hands made soothing movements up and down her spine,
his lips pressed against her hair and she could feel his heart galloping.
Rodeo Heat
Her breath came in ragged gasps and her heart hammered against her ribs with
thunderous force. If Ben hadn t been holding her she would have fallen to the floor in a
Finally, letting out a ragged breath, he lifted her in his arms and carried her to the
bed, stumbling so they both tumbled to the bed together. His mouth was gentle rather
than ravenous as he trailed kisses down the column of her neck, into the hollow of her
throat, across the slope of her breasts. Then he raised his eyes, searching hers,
smoothing the hair back from her face.
 You okay, darlin ?
 I think. Grace let out a shaky little laugh and looked up into his eyes.  Should I
ask what that was?
 You mean besides two people fucking against the door? He let out another
breath, as if trying to even the rhythm of his lungs.  I d say it was an earthquake of
seismic proportions. He cupped her cheek with one hand.  Fucking standing up is
getting to be a habit, I think.
She felt the heat creep up her cheeks and Ben laughed.
 Don t tell me after everything we ve done you re still embarrassed with me.
She buried her face against his shoulder.  I think the old Grace is still hovering near
the surface. This is all so& so new to me, Ben.
 I know. He kissed her forehead.  That s what I love about you. Everything is new
and fresh.
Love? Did he say the L word?
For a moment an unsettled feeling came over her and everything inside her body
tried to go into defensive mode. Then she told herself not to be foolish. It meant
nothing. He was just paying her a compliment.
 You okay, darlin ? he asked again, smoothing his hand over her shoulder and
down her arm.  For a second there I felt you tense up on me. The teasing note left his
voice.  I haven t pushed you too far, have I, Gracie?
Yes but it was my choice. And I don t regret a thing.
 No. She shook her head.  Just trying to get closer to you.
His laugh was like thick honey.  I think we can handle that. He slapped her lightly
on one cheek of her ass.  I think since I m such a star tonight, I deserve to have my sub
bathe me. What do you think? You did a fine job last time. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
