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 Yes, I m through, Jane said, standing up.  Thanks for the drink,
 You re welcome, dear. Hildy picked up Jane s empty glass and
headed for the dishwasher.
Jane followed in Eric s wake. Her first impression as she left the
kitchen was of space. The rooms were large and airy, the furniture
antique in appearance, as though the home had been restored to its
original decor. Wood furniture gleamed with oiled beauty and the air
smelled of varnish and lemon. What struck Jane most was that
practically every wall was lined with picture after picture of what she
assumed to be both living and deceased male relatives, some of their
clothes and hairstyles dating back at least a hundred years. On every
picture was a gold name plate, but there was no time to read the names
as she followed Eric past a series of doors toward a large foyer. A
crystal chandelier gleamed from the ceiling near the front door, its glass
prisms sending light dancing in rainbow reflections on the pale white
walls. Jane s heels tapped softly on cool marbled flooring as she made
her way toward a long, winding staircase that led to the second floor.
After climbing the staircase, they passed several more doors before
Eric stopped to open one. He moved aside and Jane stepped past him
into a massive bedroom. She studied the pale yellow walls and antique
oak furnishing in awe. A cream colored lace canopy adorned a queen
size bed and the comforter below was covered with the same, delicate
design. The long oak windows were bare except for a trail of matching
lace that had been draped across the top and secured with yellow
ribbon. Pale yellow shades allowed for privacy when needed.
 It s absolutely perfect, she said, moving to the bed and running
her fingers across delicate threads of lace.
 There s a bathroom through there. Eric pointed to a door on
Jane s right.  If you need anything, you only have to ask.
Jane walked to the bathroom and noted that fresh towels had been
hung and guest soaps placed on the gleaming yellow porcelain sink.
 It s absolutely beautiful.
Eric s shoes made imprints on the recently vacuumed carpeting as
he closed the distance between them.  The adjoining door locks from
this side. You can keep it locked, or unlocked, as you wish.
 A door adjoins our rooms? Her stare flew to the ominous oak
 We re married. We have separate rooms, but private access to each
other as needed.
 Oh. Jane dropped her gaze, her cheeks flaming with
uncomfortable heat.
 I couldn t very well put you down the hall. How would it look to
outsiders? This marriage is supposed to be happy in every way.
 I understand.
 Do you? Eric placed his finger beneath her chin and lifted her
face upward until she was forced to look into eyes as dark and
consuming as burning coals.  What we do or don t do in private is our
business, but in public, you re going to have to get used to my touch.
He lifted her hand and began stroking her knuckles with his thumb,
sending electric shock waves up her arm.
Jane s mouth went dry and her pulse quickened. Finding it hard to
breathe, she pulled her hand free, needing to escape the strange
consuming heat that invaded her. Her palm felt hot, tingling, and she
wiped it along the leg of her jeans in an attempt to erase the
disconcerting sensation.  Don t do that again. She moved back several
paces.  Don t ever do that again.
 Do I repulse you that much? Eric s gaze narrowed in acute
 Yes, she lied.
He didn t answer but something dark and clever burned deeply in
his eyes. A twist of a smile molded his lips. Jane knew at that moment
that he didn t believe her. Eric felt the heat too. I ll leave you to
freshen up a bit before dinner, he said, his tone cool and polite.  I have
a short business meeting, but I ll be back by six. Dinner will be served
in the dining room.
Jane watched him go, the disquieting warmth of his touch
continuing to burn long after she heard the connecting door latch
behind him.
* * *
Fresh from the shower, Jane dumped the meager contents of her
suitcases onto the bed and began searching for something clean to
wear. She finally settled on the same jeans she d worn on the trip down
and a navy blouse. Jane pulled her hair back with a silver barrette and
secured it at her nape. After realizing she d completely forgotten to
bring makeup, she gave her image a cursory glance and headed
downstairs. Jane found Hildy in the kitchen washing lettuce.
 Anything I can do to help? she asked, entering the kitchen
hesitantly. Didn t two cooks spoil the broth?
 Grab a seat at the table and I ll let you make the salad. Hildy
spread the vegetables in front of Jane and supplied her with a knife,
peeler and cutting board.  If you want radishes added to your salad,
you ll have to ask me ahead of time, Hildy informed her.  Eric hates
the taste. I don t even keep them in the house. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
