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 I know, Mason slurred back.  It was some good clean fun.
 You were& you were really something, Ben said.  I know I liked you right away.
 It was the alcohol.
 Stop cutting yourself down while I m trying to say nice shit to you. Ben made a face.  I
sort of remember going around town with you, eating hot dogs on the strip, taking pictures
under the Eiffel Tower. Felt really good and comfortable with you. Now everything feels
Mason yawned.  You re the first person who hasn t wanted to fuck me, he mumbled.
 Well& you know. The first to resist. After Vegas, that is. What happens there, stays there.
Ben reddened.  Too bad the best part of Vegas followed me home.
 Mm. Mason fell asleep then, buried between the couch cushions.
Ben watched him, feeling vulnerable and stupid. Why was he letting his guard down for this
kid? He had a whole life planned. A fiancée, a steady job, a life. He didn t need Mason
making waves, causing uncertainty and turmoil in his already-figured-out life.
He was pulled from his thoughts when he heard a low rumbling; Mason s stomach. The poor
kid must be ravenous.
Ben stood and grabbed his car keys. He d pop down to the corner store and pick Mason up
some cookies and then get some take out. Maybe Thai, tonight.
Ben spared Mason one last glance and then left, so much on his mind.
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Hours later, Mason was awake and munching on cold Pad Thai while Ben channel surfed.
They hadn t said much; they d just been sitting together and eating their food.
 So, Mason said, adjusting himself on the sofa.  Do you think -- 
A loud ringing interrupted, and Ben looked at Mason apologetically, reaching for his phone.
It was Genevieve calling.
 Sorry, Ben said.  I ve gotta get this. He picked up the phone.  Gen, is everything okay?
It s gotta be five in the morning over there.
 Oh, it s fine, Genevieve replied, sounding light and tipsy.  Listen, I have some news. She
let out a high pitched giggle.
 Genevieve, are you drunk? Ben asked, standing up and walking into the kitchen.
 No! No, no, well, I had a little wine. Oh, Ben, I ve been up all night talking to these
designers and feeling so inspired. Paris is& so lovely, Genevieve said.  I m going to move
here, you and me. Let s move here.
Ben laughed.  Genevieve& 
 The parties, the city, the fashion&  Genevieve giggled again.  I wish you were here with
Ben was about to say  me, too, but then he stopped himself. He glanced over his shoulder at
Mason, and the guilt set in.  Genevieve Rosen, you should go to sleep. Don t get into
anymore trouble.
 Oh, but I have good news, Genevieve said loudly.  I ve been asked to apprentice under
Jacques Chevalier. Isn t that fucking amazing? He s a genius! Have you seen his spring line?
His leather work is to die. I m going to need to stay here another week or so to work out the
details, but& I m so happy! This is all I ve ever wanted. Seriously amazing.
 All you ve ever wanted? Ben asked.  Gen, I m so proud of you.
 I m going to accept it. I m going to accept the apprenticeship, Genevieve said.  I don t
care, this is for me. I m doing this for me, Ben.
 That s great, honey, Ben replied.
 And it will only be a year, Genevieve continued.  I mean, since you re about to take over
your father s company, there s no way you can move here just yet.
 Well, you know, to France.
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 I thought you weren t serious! Ben said, eyes widening.
 You should come over here now, Genevieve said.  Be with me for the next week. I ll call
your father and make him give you the time off. You can study the Parisian architecture. It s
fascinating, Ben.
 Hold up. You re seriously going to move there for a year? Ben was flabbergasted.
 It s still in negotiation, but really& how could I not? Genevieve giggled yet again. At first
it d been slightly adorable; now it was slightly disturbing.  Come here! We ll go to fabulous
parties. There s so many people I want you to meet. We need to get you socialized! You re a
heathen, darling, but we can clean you up!
Ben looked at Mason again, and his heart felt strange. Would Genevieve actually move to
Paris without him? That hadn t been part of their plan. Sure, he d always wanted her to get a
leg up in the business, but he d never imagined himself not being a part of it, or not even
being a factor in her decision.
 I can t, he said softly.  I m sorry, I can t.
 Ben, honey, Genevieve said, her words sugary sweet.  You must. Paris is divine this time
of year.
Ben scratched behind his ear.  I m sorry, but Mason s here and--
Genevieve made a displeased noise over the phone.  He can come, too, of course.
 He twisted his ankle, Ben said.  There s no way. He can t travel.
 He twisted his ankle? Genevieve asked, voice sharp.  Did he trip over his pole or
 Gen, come on, that s not fair, Ben said.
 What s not fair is me being here alone, practically on the other side of the world,
Genevieve said, her voice cracking with emotion.  We just got engaged, for Christ s sake, I
don t want to be alone now. Besides, you don t know how it looks.
 What do you mean?
 I have appearances to keep up, she said.
 Gen, you re the one who left. Ben wasn t sure what was going on, he d never heard [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
