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Where s the compound you re holding her at?
That seemed to wake Trey out of his sluggish state. How do you know about that?
We ll ask the questions, said Eddie. He didn t touch Trey again, but his proximity and
posture left no question he would go to extremes if needed. Is Sonya still alive?
Trey hesitated, and I almost expected a denial of knowledge. Y-yes. For now.
Eddie snapped again. He grabbed the front of Trey s shirt and jerked him close. I swear,
if you and your messed-up associates lay one hand on her
Eddie, I warned.
For a moment, Eddie didn t move. Then, reluctantly, he released Trey s shirt, but stayed
where he d been standing. Trey, I began, keeping the same reasonable tone I d just used
with Eddie after all, Trey and I were friends, right? You have to help us. Please help us find
He shook his head. I can t, Sydney. It s for your own good. She s evil. I don t know what
trick she s played on you or how she s got this illusion going on that hides her true identity, but
you can t trust her. She ll turn on you. Let us let us do what we need to.
The words were all correct, right in line with the Warriors propaganda. But, there was
something in the way Trey spoke, something about his posture& I couldn t quite put my finger
on what it was that made me question him. People teased me about my inability to pick up on
social cues, but I was almost certain he wasn t entirely on board with whatever this group
wanted him to do.
This isn t you, Trey, I said. I know you well enough to know. You wouldn t kill an innocent
She s not innocent. There it was again that mix of emotions. Doubt. She s a monster.
You know about them. You know what they can do. Not ones like her. He nodded toward Jill.
But the others. The undead ones.
Does Sonya look undead? asked Eddie. You see any red eyes?
No, Trey admitted. But we have other reports. Witnesses who saw her in Kentucky. Reports
of her victims.
It was hard to keep a calm face through that. I d actually seen Sonya when she was
Strigoi. She d been terrifying, and given half a chance, she would have killed my companions
and me. It was hard to accept that when one turned into a Strigoi, they weren t in control of
their senses or soul. They lost touch with their humanity or whatever Moroi had and weren t
the same as they d once been. Sonya had done terrible, terrible things, but she was no
longer that creature.
Sonya changed, I said. She s not one of them anymore.
Trey s eyes narrowed. That s impossible. You re being deceived. There s some kind of&
I don t know& dark magic going on.
This isn t getting us anywhere, growled Eddie. Call Dimitri. Between the two of us, we ll
get him to tell us where this compound s at. I ve broken into a prison. Getting into this place
shouldn t be that much harder.
Oh, you think so? A humorless smile crossed Trey s features. That place is surrounded
with an electric fence and packed with armed men. Plus, she s heavily secured. You can t just
walk in there.
Why is she still alive? asked Angeline. She seemed to realize how weird that sounded
and was quick to elaborate. That is& I mean, I m glad she is. But if you think she s so evil,
why didn t you finish her off? She glanced at my friends and me. Sorry.
It s a good question, Eddie told her.
Trey took a long time in answering. I had a feeling he was torn between keeping the
group s secrets and wanting to justify his actions to us. Because we re all being tested, he
said finally. To see who s worthy of performing the kill.
Oh my God, said Jill.
Hence all your bruises recently, I said. My fears of domestic abuse weren t far off, really.
You re competing to kill a woman who s done nothing to you.
Stop saying that! Trey cried, truly looking distraught. She s not innocent.
But you re not so sure, I said. Are you? Your eyes aren t telling you what your hunter
friends are.
He evaded the accusation. My family expects this of me. We all have to try especially
after we messed up the alley attack. We lost our authorization to kill her then, which is why
the council ordered these trials to redeem ourselves and prove we were up to it. Getting
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