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Ah, that might be something you want to ask the commander, he replied, obviously framing his reply carefully.

Shes in a briefing. Why dontyou explain it to me?
Mac regarded her with mute appeal.  Im afraid I cant. Im sorry.

All right. Of course not. Blair turned and walked away. When she heard Mac rise she looked back over her shoulder.
 Stay here, Mac. Im not going any further than Cams office. God, its not like theres anywhere togo .
He grinned cautiously.  Ive never known that to stop you. Respectfully, Ms. Powell.
She narrowed her eyes, then laughed.  Maybe its time to rotate out my security team if you know me that well.

It does take a long time to train the new ones, he said with a straight face.

I suppose you have a point. Blair felt some of her anger ease.  Ill see you later Mac.

By the time she reached the guesthouse, her fury had abated enough that when Cam walked into the living room in
response to her arrival, she managed to ask calmly,  Can I talk to you for a minute?
Cams gaze dropped to the newspaper she held tightly clenched in hand.  Ah. She slid her hands into the pockets of
her black chinos.  I see that Lucinda is even more efficient than I anticipated. The article is in there?

Your doing?

Mostly. Lucinda made the necessary phone calls to the papers. Cam shook her head.  Even with the White House
behind it, I didnt expect to see anything until this evening.

Lucinda doesnt waste time or words.


Damn it, Cam. Diane doesnt understand this kind of thing. You should have told her, or let me tell her.
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Cam gestured to the sofa.  Lets sit down for a minute.

I dont want to sit, I want an explanation. I told Luce I wouldnt use my friendship with Diane like this. I didnt think I
needed to tell you!

Just give me a minute and Ill explain. Cam sat down.

Fine. Blair followed, but sat far enough away that they werent touching.  Youre using this to lure Valerie, arent you?

Not entirely. Its a good cover story to explain all the official activity around the hotel last night. It keeps your name
and Emorys out of the paper. And, yes, Cam said with a sigh,  it might draw Valerie out into the open. You can be sure
shes scanning news sources for any available intel.

Why didnt you tell me about this earlier?

Other than the obvious reason being that I was preoccupied?
Blair smiled faintly.  Other than that.
Cam rubbed her eyes.  I didnt think wed see any activity around this until later in the day. Diane was still asleep, and
she met Blairs intent gaze.  I didnt want her trying to contact Valerie and telling her it was fabricated.

Jesus, Cam. Shes my best friend and shes hurting so much over this. How do you think shes going to feel if Valerie
isI dont know, trapped, because of her?

Blair, Cam said gently,  Valerie is in real trouble out there. The best thing for her is for us to be able to protect her. If
she surfaces because shes worried that something might happen to Diane, or that somethinghas happened to her,
shell be better off.

Can I tell Diane?

Its going to put you in the middle. I hate to do that.

Im already in it. Theres no middle ground left, Cam.
Cam moved along the sofa so she was closer to Blair, but did not touch her.  Can you tell her part of it, and leave out
anything about Valerie for now?

Shes not nave, Camshe might ask me about Valerie. What shall I tell her to do if Valerie calls?

Tell her to talk to her as long as she can.

Youre tapping Dianes phone? Blair asked incredulously.

Were tracing it back through her cellular provider. Its not perfect, but it gives us a starting place. Cam placed her
hand flat on the sofa between them.  Im sorry, Blair. It has to be done.
Blair was silent for a moment, then took Cams hand and cradled it in her lap between both of hers.  This must be hard
for you.

Inot as hard as it is for you. I wish I could change that.
Blair shook her head.  No. One of the things I love about you is how clear you are about the right and wrong of
things. About what should be done, no matter the cost. But theres nothing clear about any of this, is there?
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Nothing has been clear to me since the moment I saw one of my own agents standing outside your door pointing a
gun at your heart, Cam said bitterly.  I dont even know how to begin to think about that.
It was so very rare for Cam to voice her pain and disillusionment that Blair had to struggle not to pull her into her
arms. Instead, she leaned close and kissed Cams cheek.  Ill talk to Diane. It will be okay.

Im sorry.

No. You shouldnt be. Not for doing what must be done. Blair rose.  You will be careful with Valerie, wont you?
Cam stood.  Shes a victim in this too. Im sure of it.

I trust your judgment. I do. Blair skimmed her fingers along Cams jaw.  But youre the one thing in my life I cant do

Ill remember that.
Blair smiled gently.  See that you do.
Chapter Twenty [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
