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world scene as a member of NATO. America is also now putting military bases in Roma-nia and
the two countries have enjoyed a new diplomatic relationship which is unprecedented. If you are
a side-line researcher and look deeply into the matters covered here and in the book, you will
find out they are indeed re-flective of the truth.
In the end, neither Cezar nor Signore Massini get all of what they want. A compromise is worked
out, but the chess match continues to this very day. A room or cave full of high tech artifacts is
discovered that make the concept of a stargate seem dull by comparison. One of these features
in-cludes a projection hall where one can see the past history of Mankind. It is
uniquely specific to each individual who views it and is tied to the DNA and biofeedback of the
observer. There are also three tunnels which lead to mysterious places, including Iraq, Egypt and
Since the writing of the original book, these tunnels have been explored to varying extents.
According to what Radu has relayed, one of these tunnels was the province of the Americans.
The others, however, have been explored by both Cezar and Radu. After penetrating these
tunnels, with technological help from the Americans, a very successful expedition was made last
October where contact was made with beings from the Inner Earth. I cannot say more about it
because that is all Radu has said about it. In his last letter to me, Radu has also stated to me that
he is very sad because Cezar will be leaving him in the next few months as he now has a new job
as an  ambassador to their civilization. This all sounds very bizarre, but it is what was reported.
Radu holds back a lot of information because he does not like to say things that he cannot
substantiate. As a result of Cezar s imminent departure, I fired off copies of The Montauk Book
of the Living for both him and Radu.
Although it is not in my power to prove any of these claims, it is important to realize that the
Masons have paid attention to Romania because they have known for a long time that it is a
potential powder keg for them. There are prophecies in scrolls from the Vatican as well as the
Vienna Museum with regard to Romania and the role it will play in the near future. The priest
who influenced Cezar and Gen-eral Obadea also made a similar prophecy which has begun to be
realized. How far this will all go is anyone s guess, but it is my karmic destiny and assignment to
report on this and ferret out what truth I can.
Most recently, I have had some interesting dreams about David Anderson wherein he has gave
me huge rings with all sorts of different keys. That is a good sign. I expect to hear from him
soon with regard to my return to Romania.
Peter Moon is best known for his work centered around The Montauk Project with Preston
Nichols and Peter has authored a number of books The Montauk Book of the Dead,
Synchronicity and the Seventh Seal, The Black Sun, The Spandau Mystery and his most recent
book The Montauk Book of the Living, To find out more about his work or to contact Peter Moon
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