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rested his weight against his forearms and touched his forehead to mine. He sighed.
 You are the daughter of the darkest, most evil woman that ever existed. He
sighed.  I killed her myself, what must have been days after you were born. I drank of
Lisa Andel
her blood in victory as she lay dying. I will never forget her taste. Her blood runs
through you.
He raised his head and looked at me, his eyes tortured.
 She was a dark witch, the darkest. A witch that killed and tainted the innocent
without thought or remorse. He stroked his hips once and groaned.
 Your father was Bolderius. His dark power rivaled your mother s, in evil they
were equals.
 Bolderius, never willing to bind himself to another, was able to dismember his first
wife and fed her to his servants to free himself to marry your mother.
 Your mother, Alexandra, with Bolderius, decimated our peoples. There isn t a
family, a house, a pack or a warren that didn t lose loved ones to those two. He quit
talking for a minute and concentrated on sliding his penis in and out of me.
 In the end, it was a bloody battle. Nina was there, she was one of the magic users
who defeated Bolderius. She s not been the same since. I guess none of us has.
He lost himself in the rhythm for a few minutes. I began to move against him. I
opened myself to him and he groaned.
 I ve never had a Valentia before, it is a truly awesome experience. Saying that, he
swept me away.
Later, when he was lying beside me, holding me loosely, I asked him,  What is a
 That s what you are, love. He hugged me tighter.  You are the second Valentia I
have ever met. Your power is substantial. You draw your power from everything, the
earth, the trees, the sky. You can gather your power and store it for later use or use it for
your own purposes. You can channel and amplify the power of others. You can bounce
someone s power back at them. Or you can create a loop. You receive someone s power
and emotions, their sensations, you combine them with your own, amplify them, then
feed them back to that person. That s what you ve been doing with your lovers, even
though you haven t been aware of doing it.
 Am I evil?
 Honestly, love, he pressed his lips against my forehead,  I don t know.
I closed my eyes and searched inside myself for the answer. I didn t think I was
evil. I thought I was a slut. But if power corrupts was I doomed?
I opened my eyes and asked Albert,  Will you complete the first step with me?
Albert didn t hesitate. He rolled so I was on top of him. I scooted down and
straddled his hips, reached between us and inserted him. I sat up and lowered myself
until he completely filled me.
 Yes, I breathed. I threw myself into the rhythm with a kind of desperation. I
didn t want to be evil. He responded enthusiastically, rolled me under him and set up a
blinding pace.
Her Werewolf
The magic started to pulse and spark around us. I felt the loop that connected us,
flowed between us and around us. I spoke the spell, pulled his shoulder toward me and
bit him. He roared as his cum spewed into me. I licked his shoulder, felt my orgasm
expand and blast over him. He groaned as he came again.
 I am yours, I remembered to say.
He let me sleep for a few hours then woke me up by playing with my nipples. As
soon as my eyes opened he kissed me. He was in a surprisingly playful mood.
 What s got you so happy? I asked as he sucked on my neck.
He feathered his fingers across my pussy, grinned at me, then said,  You might not
be as pleased as I am with this evening. He started sucking on my nipple. I punched
him in the shoulder to get his attention and tried to squirm away from his hand.
 All right! He moved his hand to my hip.  Look, I don t talk about this and I
would prefer that no one know. He tried to look sternly at me.
 I m not just a hunter, I m a god.
I just looked at him blankly.
 You do know what a god is? he asked.
 You re a god? He had to be kidding me.  I m having sex with a god?
 Yes, I m a god and I m one of the few beings that has more power than you do.
 And that makes you happy, I guessed.
 Yes it does, love, but not as happy as your completing the first step with me. His
grin was playful. And sexy.
 Well, I knew I was missing something important here,  I m happy for you?
 You gave yourself to me. Not just Albert the hunter, but also Talerion the god.
When you give yourself to a god, love, you are bound to his will. So unless I will you to
be evil, you can t be.
Relief swept through me. Followed closely by apprehension.
 I m not your slave now or something, am I?
I could keep him from coming if he d tricked me into becoming his slave.
 No, he laughed, then slid down the bed until his chin was level with my hip.
 I believe I mentioned something about eating you.
I spread my legs.  Please do, I enthused.
He moved between my legs. His broad shoulders opening me wide for his
He hadn t been lying to me either I relished it.
* * * * *
Lisa Andel
The next morning, before Albert carried me off to the shower, he contacted Coria
and informed them he had discovered my power and would be keeping me a day or
two to explore the boundaries of it and begin my instruction.
 Cardive! Nina raised her voice to be heard over the clutches of conversation
around her. Cardive looked up from the map his group was working over.
 Albert won t be back today. He s discovered Kris talent and says it will take him a
day or two to explore it at length.
Some of the men in the room nudged each other, others snickered. Cardive roared
with laughter.
 That s one way to put it.
 Her power, idiot, Nina huffed at him. She resumed working on her notes.
Three men at the end of the table scowled at each other.
 How are you holding up, wolf? Max asked of Dade.
 How the hell do you think, bloodsucker? Dade growled.
 Look, Dade, we re all in the same position here, Wayne said placatingly.
 He wants to see if I go insane, Dade snapped back.
 Are you? Max goaded him.
 I m having a hard enough time keeping myself from killing you. Don t push me.
Dade rounded on Max. His fingers clenching and unclenching.
Max leaned forward and bared his fangs,  Go ahead, wolf, I d be happy to remove
your annoying presence.
Dade leapt out of his chair and hurled himself at Max. He never made it. Nina
materialized between them and knocked them both back into their seats with a word. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
