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the shorts down over his hips. Derek s cock was just as hard when it sprung
 That s nice, Channing commented, rubbing a thumb across the tip.
Derek grinned.  You re not as embarrassed as you were at the
 How could I be when you want to fuck all day, every day?
 If I m too much for you 
 Don t be stupid! Now Channing s cheeks did warm. Even though
Derek had been right, he felt more confident about them being lovers, Derek
still knew how to get him riled up. He didn t mind the teasing though. The
relationship was new and exciting. He felt himself falling in love, but he
wouldn t admit it to Derek yet. Nothing his mate said convinced him that
Derek loved him and that it wasn t just lust he felt. That scared Channing
and made him think that at some point he was going to get his heart broken,
but it didn t make him back off. He needed to be with Derek and was okay
with it.
 I don t like it when you re too far away from me, Derek scolded him.
 Especially in the water.
 It s safe. You said yourself that no one knows where we are.
Derek frowned.  That s not what I mean. He ran his hands over
Channing s chest and tweaked his nipples. Channing parted his lips and let
his head fall back a little. He loved when Derek touched him. He loved when
the man looked at him like he couldn t get enough. Channing couldn t
either, but knowing Derek wanted him sent his desires to new levels. Derek
leaned forward and began licking Channing s nipples. He drew first one into
his mouth and then moved to the other. The tip of his tongue circled the tiny
taut peak bringing a moan to Channing s lips.
 What do you want? Channing said.
 I want you at my side at all times, Derek told him. The words were
more of a command than a statement.  I want to eat you up.
Channing shivered.  Sometimes your lust scares me.
Channing Moon Eden Cole
 Turn around and kneel between my legs.
Channing did what he was asked and raised his ass high so Derek could
reach it. One swipe of Derek s tongue made him shiver, and he had to fight
to hold still, with his forehead on his hands.
 You re salty, Derek commented, but he didn t stop licking. He sucked
gently at Channing s cheeks and squeezed his thighs. When his mouth closed
over Channing s hole, all strength left his body. He held the position he was
in because Derek kept him there, at his mercy, as he ate Channing out.
When he was done, he smacked Channing s ass and leaned back.
Channing knew what to do. He sat up and raised himself on Derek s lap. His
ass was wet enough so that he eased down onto Derek s cock with no
problems. The thick rod glided inside of his anus with his mate sucking in a
sharp breath, no doubt from the pleasure. All Channing knew was that he
was amazingly full. He loved how hard Derek got, how he filled him until he
felt like he couldn t stand it.
Slowly, he raised his hips and then brought them back down. He held
onto Derek s cock to keep it in. Derek pushed up at the same time Channing
came down. When they needed to go still, it was as if they d read the need at
the same time. Channing lay back against Derek s chest, and his lover
encircled his waist. They kissed for a long time until Derek broke it. He
thumbed Channing s flat nipples, making his balls ache with their full load.
 I can stay like this forever, Derek murmured.
Channing nuzzled his cheek, and dropped his gaze to their bodies so
tight together.  If I couldn t have sex for some reason, would you find
another lover?
Derek frowned.  Why are you asking silly questions? We are one. I will
always take you.
That wasn t what Channing meant, but he didn t press the issue. In his
heart, he was making love with Derek, but he knew to Derek it was just hot
sex. Great, but not love. He shuddered once again, and his lover s hold
increased. Derek began to pump into him hard and fast. Channing s breath
left his chest in a whoosh. He gasped through moans while trying to get
Channing Moon Eden Cole
control. When it was hopeless, he gave into the sensations, flowed with them
and let Derek take him to an explosive orgasm.
Derek always knew when he was ready or needed to come. He closed his
fingers around Channing s cock and began working it in rhythm to his
thrusts into his ass. Channing cried out his lover s name again and again.
When he came, his mind spun. He pitched forward, but Derek held him in a
viselike grip. Warmth spread inside his ass, and he sighed in complete
Derek eased Channing off of his lap, and they stretched out on the
blanket side by side. Yawning, Channing rolled over so that he faced his mate
and curled against his chest. Their skin was coated with a mixture of water
and sweat, but neither of them cared. Channing liked being in that state after
making love with Derek. He d always enjoyed a level of satisfaction when
they came together.
Channing yawned, and Derek kissed the top of his head.  Sleepy?
 Mm, Channing said.
 Take a nap, Derek told him.  When I m ready to go back to the house,
I ll carry you.
Channing blinked heavy-lidded eyes.  I think I can make it under my
own steam. He dropped off soon after in a cocoon of security and
contentment of being where he belonged.
* * * *
Channing strolled into the kitchen and came to a dead stop.  Wait, we ve
been eating out all week. You cook?
Derek pinned him with a hard glare.  Yes, I cook. I m not helpless, and I
haven t always been rich enough to afford going out every day. Once upon a
time, I was homeless.
Channing dropped onto a stool at the island counter. He watched his
lover move back and forth from the stove to the refrigerator to the counter.
Something about Derek in a pair of shorts and an apron, barefoot, turned
him on.  I don t know a lot about you.
Channing Moon Eden Cole
 What do you want to know?
Channing hesitated. They were having a great time together, and he
didn t want to bring up anything that would ruin the mood.  Why were you
homeless? Don t you have any family? Why would anyone want to hurt you? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
