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to think for a moment.  There was one kiss. That s it.
 He s telling the truth. Andy s contribution came from the
kitchen doorway.  We kissed in his dressing room. The day of
the show taping. You need to let him go. I understand him. In
ways you can t.
Jeremy came partially out of his chair as Kit twisted around
in his seat.
 Get out, Kit snarled.
Andy pushed away from the door frame.  We ll talk later?
Jeremy shivered and slowly lowered himself to his seat at
the look on Kit s face. He d rather confront a pack of canyon
coyotes than this man right now. Kit stood. Stalked toward the
chef, looking about six inches taller and a foot broader than
Jeremy knew him to be.  Did you hear me? I said get the fuck
Andy glanced over Kit s shoulder to Jeremy, who only
slumped farther down in his seat. He knew a fight in the making
when he saw one, and a sick part of him wanted what he knew
would come next. Wanted Kit to prove where his loyalties lay.
would come next. Wanted Kit to prove where his loyalties lay.
 What I said? I meant. You ve got it. You can have every
The crash registered before the shattering glass. Jeremy
ducked reflexively. When Jeremy took his arm from his face, Kit
was fisting Andy s collar and hauling him away from the ruined
display case. In moves Jeremy d never seen outside of a
soundstage, Kit slammed the man against a wall. Pinned him
there with a forearm to his throat.
 You want to walk out of here yourself, or do I have to
throw you out? Kit s face appeared a snarling mask.
Jeremy gaped at Kit s transformation and wondered how
he d ever won their play fights when Kit was so good at hand-
 You want to think about what you re doing, Andy said.
 There s nothing to think about, Kit spat.
 If I can t have you, nobody can. Andy looked close to
tears, desperate and pleading through a veil of weak threats.  I
will ruin you.
 I ve dealt with people like you my whole life. Quiet
menace rolled from Kit, more chilling than the eruption of
violence only moments before.  You d be right at home with
Jeremy didn t know it was possible to actually haul a grown
man by his collar and belt and toss him out a door, but somehow
Kit managed it. Andy landed on all fours in the gutter. Shit. He
Kit managed it. Andy landed on all fours in the gutter. Shit. He
never knew Kit could do all that had he been pulling his
punches when they d tussled in the bedroom, or was his physical
prowess now a result of adrenaline-fed anger?
Kit locked the door and faced Jeremy. Skin going from
fuchsia to pale, evidence of his anger drained from Kit s face as
he and Jeremy stared at each other, a heavy air of now what
permeating the room. Kit cleared his throat. Wiped his palms
against his jeans. He looked to the ruined cabinet and back to
Jeremy before approaching the table.  Sorry.
Jeremy stood.  I ll call you before I come over for my stuff.
We can talk then.
ALL THE OXYGEN went out of Kit s world, each
molecule seeming to vaporize individually. He sat. God, he d so
fucked up. Everything. Why had he wasted the last year with
Jeremy, making everything about how much attention he didn t
have? The roles he could no longer get. Was it the way he had
been brought up? Or just a chronically selfish need he had to be
the center of attention? To always get his own way?
 I think you just want to be happy like every normal
person, Jeremy said.
Kit looked up, realizing he d voiced at least some his
thoughts out loud.  What?
Jeremy headed toward the door.  I have to go.
An invisible thread, woven from shared experiences,
An invisible thread, woven from shared experiences,
Sunday morning smiles, and the faltering strength of love,
stretched and threatened to snap the farther away Jeremy got.
Kit tried to hang on to that invisible lifeline and pull himself up.
Paralyzed, he could only stare as the most important person in
his entire life opened the door and stepped into the night.
Shrill ringing sounds cut through the haze of misery. Door
open, he could hear his cell with its old-fashioned telephone
ringtone out on the pavement where it must ve fallen. Jeremy
paused, bent over, and scooped up the phone. He brought it
back to Kit, glancing at the display as he crossed the room.
A quizzical expression passed over Jeremy s face as he
handed the phone to Kit.  Your mom?
Shock piled upon the misery, clearing a tiny bit of fog from
the windowpane of Kit s mind.  What?
His parents never called him. Their attorneys? Sure.
Occasionally an event planner who needed him to make it to a
publicity thing. But never his father and especially not his mother.
Jeremy knew this. Probably that alone kept him from retreating
while Kit answered the call.
 Hello? Kit glanced up at Jeremy with an I have no clue
Jeremy shrugged.
 Kit? The papery-thin voice didn t sound like anyone he
knew. In fact, it didn t sound quite human.
Kit frowned at the phone and put it to his ear once more.
Kit frowned at the phone and put it to his ear once more.
 Whatever they say, I love you. His mother s voice grew a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
