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sins," she added, as Laura looked up angrily. "Sins don't interest me very much. But troubles do. And heaven
knows that marriage is one," she said with a curious bitterness. "And when it has failed and there's no love
left--as in your case--I'm for divorce. Only--" her wide sensitive lips quivered just a little, "I'm sorry it had
to come like this. But I love you, dear, and I want to help, I want to see you safely through. And while I'm
doing it, if we can, I want to keep dad out of it--at least until it's settled." She paused a moment. "So if you
agree, I'll go to your husband. I want to be sure, absolutely, just what we can count on. And until I come back,
stay here in my room. You don't want to talk to father and Edith--"
"Most certainly not!" Laura muttered.
"Good. Then stay here until I return. I'll send you up some supper."
"I don't want any, thank you."
Laura went and threw herself on the bed, while her sister finished dressing.
"It's decent of you, Deborah." Her voice was muffled and relaxed. "I wasn't fair," she added. "I'm sorry for
some of the things I said."
"About me and marriage?" Deborah looked at herself in the glass in a peculiar searching way. A slight spasm
crossed her features. "I'm not sure but that you were right. At times I feel far from certain," she said. Laura
lifted her head from the pillow, watched her sister a moment, dropped back.
"Don't let this affect you, Deborah."
"Oh, don't worry, dearie." And Deborah moved toward the door. "My affair is just mine, you see, and this
won't make any difference."
But in her heart she knew it would. What an utter loathing she had to-night for all that people meant by sex!
Suddenly she was quivering, her limbs and her whole body hot.
"You say I'm cold," she was thinking. "Cold toward Allan, calm and cool, nothing but mind and reason! You
say it means little to me, all that! But if I had had trouble with Allan, would I have come running home to
talk? Wouldn't I have hugged it tight? And isn't that love? What do you know of me and the life I've led? Do
you know how it feels to want to work, to be something yourself, without any man? And can't that be a
passion? Have you had to live with Edith here and see what motherhood can be, what it can do to a woman?
And now you come with another side, just as narrow as hers, devouring everything else in sight! And because
I'm a little afraid of that, for myself and all I want to do, you say I don't know what love is! But I do! And my
love's worth more than yours! It's deeper, richer, it will last!... Then why do I loathe it all to-night?... But I
don't, I only loathe your side!... But yours is the very heart of it!... All right, then what am I going to do?"
She was going slowly down the stairs. She stopped for a moment, frowning.
On the floor below she met her father, who was coming out of his room. He looked at her keenly:
"What's the trouble?"
"Laura's here," she answered. "Trouble again with her husband. Better leave her alone for the present--she's
going to stay in my room for a while."
"Very well," her father grunted, and they went down to dinner. There Deborah was silent, and Edith did most
of the talking. Edith, quite aware of the fact that Laura and all Laura's ways were in disgrace for the moment,
and that she and her ways with her children shone by the comparison, was bright and sweet and tactful. Roger
glanced at her more than once, with approval and with gratitude for the effort she was making to smooth over
the situation. Deborah rose before they had finished.
"Where are you off to?" Roger asked.
"Oh, there's something I have to attend to--"
"School again this evening, dear?" inquired Edith cheerfully, but her sister was already out of the room. She
looked at her father with quiet concern. "I'm sorry she has to be out to-night--to-night of all nights," she
"Humph!" ejaculated her father. This eternal school business of Deborah's was beginning to get on his nerves.
Yes, just a little on his nerves! Why couldn't she give up one evening, just one, and get Laura out of this snarl
she was in? He heard her at the telephone, and presently she came back to them.
"Oh, Edith," she said casually, "don't send any supper up to Laura. She says she doesn't want any to-night.
And ask Hannah to put a cot in my room. Will you?"
"Yes, dear, I'll attend to it."
"Thanks." And again she left them. In silence, when the front door closed, Edith looked at her father. This
must be rather serious, Roger thought excitedly. So Laura was to stay all night, while Deborah gallivanted off
to those infernal schools of hers! He had little joy in his paper that night. The news of the world had such a
trick of suddenly receding a million miles away from a man the minute he was in trouble. And Roger was in
trouble. With each slow tick of the clock in the hall he grew more certain and more disturbed. An hour passed.
The clock struck nine. With a snort he tossed his paper aside.
"Well, Edith," he said glumly, "how about some chess this evening?" In answer she gave him a quick smile of
understanding and sympathy.
"All right, father dear." And she fetched the board. But they had played only a short time when Deborah's
latchkey was heard in the door. Roger gave an angry hitch to his chair. Soon she appeared in the doorway.
"May I talk to you, father?" she asked.
"I suppose so." Roger scowled.
"You'll excuse us, Edith?" she added.
"Oh, assuredly, dear." And Edith rose, looking very much hurt. "Of course, if I'm not needed--"
At this her father scowled again. Why couldn't Deborah show her sister a little consideration?
"What is it?" he demanded.
"Suppose we go into the study," she said.
He followed her there and shut the door.
* * * * *
"Well?" he asked, from his big leather chair. Deborah had remained standing.
"I've got some bad news," she began.
"What is it?" he snapped. "School burnt down?" Savagely he bit off a cigar.
"I've just had a talk with Harold," she told him. He shot a glance of surprise and dismay.
"Have, eh--what's it all about?"
"It's about a divorce," she answered.
The lighted match dropped from Roger's hand. He snatched it up before it was out and lit his cigar, and
puffing smoke in a vigilant way again he eyed his daughter.
"I've done what I could," she said painfully, "but they seem to have made up their minds."
"Then they'll unmake 'em," he replied, and he leaned forward heavily. "They'll unmake 'em," he repeated, in a
thick unnatural tone. "I'm not a'goin' to hear to it!" In a curious manner his voice had changed. It sounded like
that of a man in the mountains, where he had been born and raised. This thought flashed into Deborah's mind
and her wide resolute mouth set hard. It would be very difficult.
"I'm afraid this won't do, father dear. Whether you give your consent or not--"
"Wun't, wun't it! You wait and see if it wun't!" Deborah came close to him.
"Suppose you wait till you understand," she admonished sternly.
"All right, I'm waiting," he replied. She felt herself trembling deep inside. She did not want him to understand,
any more than she must to induce him to keep out of this affair.
"To begin with," she said steadily, "you will soon see yourself, I think, that they fairly loathe the sight of each
other--that there is no real marriage left."
"That's fiddlesticks!" snapped Roger. "Just modern talk and new ideas--ideas you're to blame for! Yes, you
are--you put 'em in her head--you and your gabble about woman's rights!" He was angry now. He was glad
he was angry. He'd just begun!
"If you want me to leave her alone," his daughter cut in sharply, "just say so! I'll leave it all to you!" And she
saw him flinch a little. "What would be your idea?" she asked.
"My idea? She's to go straight home and make up with him!"
She hesitated. Then she said:
"Suppose there's another woman."
"Then he's a beast," growled Roger.
"And yet you want her to live with him?"
He scowled, he felt baffled, his mind in a whirl. And a wave of exasperation suddenly swept over him. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
