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everyone knew she was off limits.
Seno s eyebrows went up so high they nearly hit his hairline.  You okay with
that, kiddo?
Elise stroked Brute s thigh, and he took comfort in the soothing gesture.  Yes.
My fox came out to play and confirmed what I d been feeling all along. He s mine.
We re just not totally there yet.
Brute could feel the heat coming from her blush and he growled. No one should
embarrass his sweet fox.
 Easy, big guy. Elise tried to soothe her mate.  Seno, if you ll just set the mail on
the ground and head out, I m sure Brute can escort me to my door.
Yes. He could do that. Make sure his mate was safe. She didn t need some other
male to watch after her. She had him. His lion would decimate anyone that threatened
her. He would&
 Sounds good, kiddo. See you in the morning. The man bent down and Brute
heard the soft shuffle of envelopes dropping to the pavement.  And, Brute? I think it d
be good to switch to decaf until you claim your mate.
Brute curled his lip, exposing a single, white fang and Seno spun on his heel,
striding toward a truck on the other side of the parking lot.
A snort followed by a delicate giggle came from his mate and he nuzzled her,
enjoying her happiness and feminine scent at once.  What s so funny, sweet fox?
Elise snorted.  You. On decaf.
He mock growled and nipped her shoulder. Fuck, the cat wanted to sink his
teeth into her and force the mating bite, but he couldn t do that to her. Regardless of the
fact that her pulse doubled with his gentle nibble and the delicate scent of her arousal
suddenly filled the air.
 Come on. Let s get you to your apartment before we start something we re not
ready for.
 You mean I m not ready for? The sting of pain collided with her arousal.
 Never. I would never say anything like that. You aren t ready for that step and
I m not ready to even risk upsetting you, sweet fox.
Elise nodded and eased toward the door. Brute was quick to hop out of his side
and rushed to her, snatching the mail Seno had left and then helping his mate to the
ground.  Let s get you inside.
Brute kept his arm wrapped around her shoulders, holding her close as he led
her to the stairs and then to her front door. Not wanting to start something they weren t
ready to finish, he snagged one of her hands and brought it to his lips, brushing a kiss
across her knuckles.  Good night, Elise.
 Good night. A soft smile touched her lips and the musky fragrance of her
arousal perfumed the air, blocking out everything else.
It took every ounce of his strength to step away from her and put distance
between their bodies.  Go ahead in. I ll wait to hear you lock up and head on home.
 I ll see you tomorrow? She looked anxious, as if he d leave her alone now that
she d admitted that they were mates.
 Of course. Now, go on in. I won t be able to sleep tonight if I don t know you re
safe. He handed over her mail and watched her tuck it into her purse.
When she returned her attention to him, amusement twinkled in her eyes.
 Based on the bat in your pants, I think you ll need a cold shower, too.
Not waiting for a response, Elise locked herself in the apartment before she could
rush back into Brute s arms.
What a crazy night. She d been freaked the fuck out at realizing Brute was really,
truly, no mistaking it, her mate. Hence, the running. But even that had been over the
top. She had to admit, with his frequent visits, she d suspected that he wasn t popping
by just because he was her friend. And now she understood his behavior.
Wow& just& mate.
And sex. Fuck! They d have to fuck.
The butterflies that always seemed to lurk in her stomach fluttered and flew
within her, the imaginary bugs going to work as apprehension and fear coursed
through her veins.
Pressing a hand to her stomach, she took a deep, cleansing breath. Brute wasn t
like the others. He wasn t a Freedom member bent on destroying the shifter hierarchy
or one of the furballs who felt raping a woman was their due. Already he d proven his
need to protect. The poor guy at the drive-in hadn t done anything but been in the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
