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struck again, but the demon dodged to the left.
Although, this time Sebastian had been
anticipating the move, and he got in a good piece
of the demon. The Blood Demon let out a screech
as the scythe dug deep into its arm.
 Hurts, doesn t it? Sebastian asked as he
pulled his weapon free.
He readied it for another blow, but the demon
moved with superhuman speed and attacked,
once again going for Sebastian s chest. Sebastian
had to dive to the side and roll on the ground to
save himself from losing his heart to the mighty
Warming Up Sebastian
claws. He could hear the demon s laughter over
Okay, now Sebastian was really, really pissed.
This thing was getting downright cocky, and it
was all on Sebastian s account. It was time for it to
Sebastian jumped to his feet and ran at the
beast. Letting out a roar, Sebastian raised his
scythe in the air and brought it down hard, right
into the center of the Blood Demon s head.
The Blood Demon gave a confused look at first,
as if it didn t know what had just happened. Then
it slowly crumpled to the ground, taking Sebastian
down with it. Once on the ground, Sebastian gave
the Blood Demon a couple of extra strikes, just to
make sure it was truly dead before he turned
away from it.
 I think it s pretty damn dead, Raven drawled
from behind him.
Sebastian spun around and saw that all the
Blood Demons were dead. One moment, they
were there, and then they disintegrated into black
sand. Next, he quickly assessed Wren for damage.
Aside from some bruising on his arms and jaw, he
otherwise looked to be okay. Sebastian let out a
sigh of relief. They had both made it out alive; that
was all that mattered. A few bumps and scrapes
they could deal with.
 So do you believe me now? Fallon asked.
Stephani Hecht and Jackie Nacht
Sebastian noted that his brother didn t even
appear winded from the fight. Hell, he didn t even
have a hair out of place. But then again Fallon was
so tough that he could take on a whole horde of
Blood Demons and walk away unscathed. The
Raven held up a hand.  Okay, I believe you, the
coins work. You won t see me going anywhere
without mine on anymore.
 Just so you know, the necklaces only make
you undetectable to Blood Demons. I can still see
you whenever I want to, Fallon informed Raven.
 Yeah, because that s not creepy, Night
For once, Sebastian had to agree. Whatever
fixation Fallon had on Raven was beginning to
cross the line. Sebastian would have tried talking
to Fallon about it, but he had a sinking feeling that
it would fall on deaf ears. For some reason, Fallon
was obsessed with Raven, and Sebastian didn t
think anything was going to change that. He
wasn t Raven s mate. He didn t have the olive tree
tattoo. Sebastian was certain of it.
Raven grimaced.  Whatever. Just take us back
so we can report to the others that the coins
 Yeah, Sebastian agreed.  David and Aaron
are going to be so happy. They ll finally be able to
Warming Up Sebastian
take a walk without having to worry about being
After collecting their things, they all got in a
circle and held hands. Sebastian took a deep
breath and readied himself. Even then, it still felt
like a tornado of chaos as they were whipped
through time and space before landing back in the
living room at their home.
Sebastian held onto the wall to steady himself
while Raven and Wren collapsed on the nearby
couches. While neither of them vomited, they did
look a bit green in their faces. Night, on the other
hand, appeared totally unaffected. He just went to
the fridge and got a beer, opened it, then took a
deep drink.
 That was not fun, Sebastian said.
 No, it wasn t, Night agreed.  But at least we
know the coins work.
 They do? David asked, from the kitchen
table, his eyes going as wide as saucers.
Sebastian nodded to his friend.  They sure do.
When we had them on, the Blood Demons didn t
notice us at all.
 Then why does it look like you guys just had a
battle? Aaron demanded.
 Because somebody  Night nodded in
Raven s direction  wanted to test out the coins
to make sure that they were really working.
Stephani Hecht and Jackie Nacht
Aaron moaned.  Raven, you can really be too
impulsive sometimes.
 I just wanted to make sure that those things
actually worked.
Aaron rolled his eyes.  Your curiosity is going
to get the better of you one day.
 How is Duncan doing? Night asked.
 He s still sleeping, but his fever is down
some, David said.  He s talking more, although
it s mostly fuck you, get away from me.
Night put a hand on David s shoulder.  Like I
said, don t take it personally. He s going to be
cranky as hell until his transformation takes place.
Count yourself lucky that s all he said to you.
Yesterday, he told me to take the ice packs and
shove them up my ass.
 Ouch! Aaron said.  And you two are so close,
 Yeah, but we really need to go on patrol
tonight. Wren, since you re the most banged up,
we ll leave you in charge of Duncan s care while
the rest of us warriors go on patrol. The rest of
you, just try your best to stay out of the way and
out of trouble.
 What about me? Sebastian asked.  I can go
on patrol, too.
 I think it s better if you stayed back. I know
you re a demi-god and everything, but Wren
wouldn t want you to go out without him.
Warming Up Sebastian
Sebastian felt a red, hot rage fill him. Why did
he need a chaperone when he went out? He was
every bit as good a fighter as any of the warriors
there. In fact, he had just shown in the battle that
he could kick some serious ass. Plus, the Birds of
Prey were so outnumbered they should count
themselves lucky for any extra help they could
get, not turning it away.
 Fine, Sebastian said tightly.  I ll stay here and
be a good little mate.
But he might as well have been talking to air
because all the warriors had turned away and
dismissed him. They had actually dismissed him!
Like he was of no matter. How dare they?
Sebastian wasn t a diva by any means, but he
didn t like being treated like an afterthought,
Then as all the warriors left, an idea formed in
Sebastian s mind. It was so devious and evil that
he knew he would have hell to pay for it
afterward, but he didn t give a damn. Just so long
as he taught those jerks a lesson.
Once it was just he, Aaron, and David in the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
