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Che finally broke their locked gaze and glanced over at Tony, who gave him a
withering frown. Che responded by ignoring him good-naturedly.  Sure, I d like that.
He lowered his large frame into the Adirondack chair next to Sophia. Tony s frown
Che wasn t even one hundred percent sure of what he said as they made small talk
over the next half-hour. Because she d asked, he told Sophia about some of Space Inc. s
most innovative new inventions, including a small, portable chamber that could
chemically alter the environment of small areas, cleansing the air and changing
unbreathable gases into oxygen. Mostly, he was hyperaware of Sophia sitting less than
two feet away from him, the warmth and beguiling softness of her body, the sheer
physicality of her. He found himself almost losing control, both of his emotions and his
newly formed body.
And losing control just wasn t something that Che Ammadon did.
He felt vaguely ashamed of himself, but as he focused in on the slight tremble of
Sophia s full, pink lower lip, saw the dazed heat in her large, liquid eyes, he subtly
began to sexually stimulate her with his mind. He knew that it was inappropriate.
Public lovemaking wasn t uncommon for Watchers, but only when all parties were
agreeable. At the Issian Festival, it was the norm. Now that Duse, Eli and Bale were
mated and loyal to their mates even when they were incarnate, Che didn t engage in
communal lovemaking as frequently as he once did, although in recent history he and
Jax had harvested a bunker crop of Rush energy with three lithe, adventuresome new-
age witches in London. That had been just before Avala and Andrea reached their
current Second Change, and Che s sexual sustenance needs were met with even greater
Once a Watcher became mated, public lovemaking occurred, but only in the
technical sense. A Watcher was fastidious about setting shields of privacy for their
mates, lemans or any lovers to which he was loyal. He always ensured that no
bystanders caught a hint of knowledge of what was happening between them, carefully
blocking his lover s Rush from all energy beings besides himself. It was a matter of
solemn trust between the Watcher and his lover. There were, of course, exceptions, like
the Dionytion Ceremony, when the Dionytion Stone was used ritualistically. But even
with the Ceremony, the Watcher and his mate were completely alone, at least in the
human, physical sense of the word. The only difference was that a Watcher was
forbidden by law to place shields on his mate s Rush the energy released during her
orgasm making it accessible to all Watchers in the near vicinity.
But no matter how he split hairs on the definition, Sophia definitely wasn t going to
be as enthusiastic about the idea of him making love to her under these circumstances.
But he was so aware of her, so aroused. Apparently, she was far from being
unaffected by him, either. The realization was heady. He d never experienced a need so
strongly in his life.
Beth Kery
He found that he couldn t deny himself. He wouldn t.
The heat from the fire almost felt tangible to Sophia as she studied Che Ammadon s
starkly handsome profile while he conversed with Tony. She gave a deep sigh, not sure
if she was bereft or relieved that she wasn t presently the object of his intense,
intoxicating attention. She sipped her wine and swallowed languorously. All the while,
her eyes detailed the outline of Che s magnetic features and the breadth of his shoulders
and back as he leaned forward in his chair. She felt an overwhelming urge to run her
hand through his glossy, burnished hair, knowing it would feel thick and sensual
between her fingers, warmed as it was by the fire. His vibrant, sun-kissed skin would
also feel wonderful against her appreciative fingertips, so smooth and dense. A heavy,
pleasant torpor seemed to slide over her consciousness.
That s right, honey. Relax. Let go.
Without thinking about what she was doing, Sophia uncrossed her legs. Her thighs [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
